It all just happened so fast, so casually. She goes for a check up right out of Shitabi and comes back with Shabbir.
Its cold in the middle of a cold winter in Karachi and we can’t wash him, but he’s so clean we don’t really need to.

Nanima comes to the hospital to greet her great grandson and they’re all smiles.

On the sixth day, we do his chhatti, and my cousin Umme Hani gives him his name after the going through the rites. (Oops, missed taking any pictures for that).
We are deeply grateful to Aqa Maula TUS for giving Shabbir one of the most beautiful of names, and also for giving me my new surname - Shakir.
Ma sha’allah, we’re proud parents.
Two weeks later, on Solmi Raat Mubarak of Safar ul-Muzaffar, we have Darees for Syedna Hatim bin Ibrahim Suaheb followed by grand Aqiqa nu jaman. We receive a lot a barakat and dua from our family members and guests, as well as a lot of gifts for Shabbir.

Another fortnight later, Shabbir enters into Shariat by having his Khatana done, set to become a mo’min with a heart overflowing with love and adoration for Aqa Maula TUS and Gham-e-Hussayn, Insha’ Allah, Ameen Ameen Ameen.

Following a long wait, my Shabbir finally comes home from his grandparent’s house, who cared for him with all their love and devotion...

…And home, to the loving care of his dadima and his parents.

Alhamdolillah wa shukran lillah, panjatan pak, a’ immatit’ tuahireen ane dua’ til mutlaqeen na waseela thi, may Shabbir be blessed with neyk taufeeq and behtar mustaqbil, and may our spiritual father and mother Aqa Maula TUS grant us the Greatest Honor of his Obedience always, forever and eternally insha’ Allah, AMEEN!